How to determine what reference data service to use in blpapi

I'm quite new in using blpapi and I'm still learning. My main issue is that I'm quite loss when it comes to what reference data service to use when requesting data from bloomberg. Is there a way to know what reference data I should use for each of the fields I am requesting? For example, I want to request CP_FILING_DATE. I tried requesting using ReferenceDataRequest and HistoricalDataRequest but it gives me BAD_FLD error.

asked Nov 4, 2016 at 9:37 319 5 5 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges

In this case the field should be CP_FILING_DT. You can use the FLDS function on the Bloomberg Terminal to find what fields are applicable to a security type, but not what requests accept them. Typically fields in white can be used for Subscriptions and fields in amber are for ReferenceDataRequests (and potentially history as well).

Commented Nov 4, 2016 at 16:44

Not sure why the downvotes, it's a legitimate question. True, OP should have omitted first paragraph, but other than that the question is simple, concise and OP wrote down what error they got.