Data structures and algorithms concepts techniques and applications pdf download

Data structures is a fundamental course in Computer Science which is offered to most undergraduate and graduate programs in Information Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, and other allied engineering disciplines.

In this text, the author has explained all the concepts in Data Structures with an absolute simplicity that would trigger a student’s interests on this subject to a great extent.

It is not uncommon for students to be bewildered by the ‘miles of code’ that demonstrate or explain a data structure, rendering the subject difficult. In a bid to understand the intricacies of programming a student can very easily be deviated from appreciating the data structures. It is with this objective that this book explains programming algorithms using Pseudocodes.

To test a student’s capability of implementing the algorithms in C language, algorithms in the book and their implementation in C has been hosted in the OLC.

This Online Learning Center is designed to enhance your learning experience. It provides a broad array of resources that will benefit both the instructors and students. Visit the Information Center to unravel the book's features.

The Student’s Center contains the C Programs for Algorithms present in the text, Sample Questions with Solutions and Web Links. This will give you the flavor of the published book.

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This site will evolve over time and we would be able to provide you with a wide range of resources that are currently under development.