1098-T Information Tax Year 2018 or Later
The University of Colorado Denver is not qualified to provide legal and/or tax advice. The information provided may or may not reflect recent revisions in IRS regulations. For tax advice on your specific situation, contact a tax professional. For additional information regarding the education tax credits. Please refer to the resources listed below for any additional help.
- IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education
- IRS Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement
Available in the Student Portal
1098-T forms for the previous calendar year will be available in the UCDAccess student portal no later than January 31. Students can print the form and provide it to parents or others who may be eligible to claim them as a dependent, if applicable. We cannot provide 1098-T information directly to anyone other than the student (see FERPA). Forms will not be mailed.
How to view the 1098-T Form:
- Log into UCDAccess
- In your "Student Center", select "Student Account"
- Select "View 1098-T" and select the year you want to view
- You have a valid, active home or mailing address on file at the University of Colorado Denver.
- You have paid tax-reportable tuition, fees, or financial aid transactions on your account for that calendar year, including prior-year adjustments.
Student Portal Access Recovery
Students no longer attending the University of Colorado Denver, who have 1098-T forms, have limited access to UCDAccess student portal for three years after their most recent 1098-T form. Listed below is the University of Colorado Denver Office of Information Technology (OIT) webpage describing what is needed to regain portal access.
Based on your situation, here are some helpful hints regarding the OIT webpage.
If you have not been an active student for a few semesters, you may need to select the Claim Your Account option.
If you were recently an active student but have forgotten your password, you may need to select one of the Reset options.
If you were recently an active student and still remember your last password, you may use the Update Password option.
If you have any issues that cannot be resolved using the OIT webpage, you may contact the OIT Help Desk.
New Reporting Method starting Tax Year 2018 or Later
The items below are generally reported on the 1098-T:
- Paid Tuition
- Paid Mandatory Student Fees
- Paid Course/lab Fees
- Waivers
- Scholarships
- Grants
Items Not Reported on the 1098-T
Payments to or credits from the items below are NOT reported on the 1098-T. Unless noted otherwise, the IRS does not generally allow you to claim these items when calculating your allowable educational expenses and payments.
- College Opportunity Fund (COF) - The COF credit is not reported as a payment towards your tuition in Box 1, nor is it reported, as a Grant or Scholarship in Box 5.
- Student Loans - If applicable, your loan provider will issue tax statements for deductible loan interest.
- Room and Board Expenses
- Fines (ie., parking, library, late fees)
- Tuition and Fees for Non-Credit Courses
- University of Colorado Denver International Student Health Insurance Plan
- Books - per IRS guidelines, book charges and payments are usually tax deductible. For some courses at the University of Colorado Denver, students are automatically charged for e-textbooks on their student accounts. Payments for those charges are included on the 1098-T form UNLESS those charges were refunded due to approved appeals (ie., the books were purchased elsewhere) or the classes were dropped before the census deadline. For other book charges and payments not posted on the student account, those items will not be reported on the 1098-T form. Keep invoices and receipts of those transactions in your tax records.
Items Reported as Prior Year Adjustments
Whenever items are adjusted or revised that were reported on 1098-T forms from prior years, those items will be reported differently on the 1098-T. University of Colorado Denver changed our 1098-T reporting method from billed items (Box 2) to paid items (Box 1), the 2018 1098-T tax forms will not contain amounts in the prior-year adjustment boxes, except for very rare situations.
- Items reversed will appear in the applicable prior-year boxes on the 1098-T (boxes 4 or 6).
- Items re-assessed will appear in the applicable reporting-year boxes on the 1098-T (boxes 1 or 5).
- Items revised (reversed and re-assessed) will appear in the applicable prior-year AND reporting-year boxes, respectively, on the 1098-T. For tuition and fees, that's boxes 1 and 4, and for scholarships and grants, that's boxes 5 and 6.
Items Reported on the 1098-T Tax Year 2017 or Earlier
The items below are generally reported on the 1098-T: (See the next section for exceptions)
- Paid Tuition
- Paid Mandatory Student Fees
- Paid Course/lab Fees
- Waivers
- Scholarships
- Grants
Items NOT Reported on the 1098-T
- College Opportunity Fund (COF) - The COF credit is not reported as a payment towards your tuition in Box 1, nor is it reported as a Grant or Scholarship in Box 5.
- Student Loans - If applicable, your loan provider will issue tax statements for deductible loan interest.
- Room and Board Expenses
- Fines (ie., parking, library, late fees)
- Tuition and Fees for Non-Credit Course
- Books - per IRS guidelines, book charges and payments are usually tax deductible. For some courses taken at the University of Colorado Denver, students are automatically charged for e-textbooks on their student accounts. Payments for those charges are included on the 1098-T form UNLESS those charges were refunded due to approved appeals (ie., the books were purchased elsewhere) or the classes were dropped before the census deadline. For other book charges and payments not posted on the student account, those items will not be reported on the 1098-T form. Keep invoices and receipts of those transactions in your tax records.
Items Reported as Prior Year Adjustments
- Items reversed will appear in the applicable prior-year boxes on the 1098-T (boxes 4 or 6).
- Items re-assessed will appear in the applicable reporting-year boxes on the 1098-T (boxes 1 or 5).
- Items revised (reversed and re-assessed) will appear in the applicable prior-year AND reporting-year boxes, respectively, on the 1098-T. For tuition and fees, that's boxes 1 and 4, and for scholarships and grants, that's boxes 5 and 6.