Understanding Forest and Range Practices Act

Eleven resource values are identified and protected under the Forest & Range Practices Act (FRPA). The B.C. government is ensuring the sustainable management of the province's forest and range resources by collecting and communicating the best available natural resource monitoring information for each of these values.

The resource values

Information on the resource values are collected through series of data collection protocols that are designed and delivered under the Forest & Range Evaluation Program.

The resource values identified under FRPA are:

To protect these resource values, forest and range licensees' activities are governed by FRPA and its regulations during all stages of planning, road building, logging, reforestation and/or grazing. The Forest Planning and Practices Regulation identifies the objectives set by government for each resource value, specifies the content requirements of forest stewardship plans, and stipulates the practice requirements that regulate forestry activities.

Pillars of FRPA

FRPA is supported by three pillars:

Information graphic showing <a href=the FRPA process" />

These pillars are supported by effectiveness evaluations carried out by the Forest and Range Evaluation Program (FREP). FREP assesses whether the objectives for conserving the FRPA values are being achieved and identifies opportunities for improvement to forest and range practices.

In addition to FREP’s effectiveness monitoring, professional reliance helps to achieve FRPA’s objectives and practice requirements on the ground. Registered forest professionals, regulated through the Professional Governance Act, use their unique skillset to manage forests in B.C. to the standards set out in FRPA and the regulation. Professional reliance maintains accountability of the profession by upholding members to bylaws, policies and procedures maintained by the Association of B.C. Forest Professionals.
