Around the world, governments and jurisdictions require employers to have a written occupational health and safety policy that helps promote an impactful occupational health and safety (OHS) program to protect their valued team and workers. A well-planned and researched OHS policy statement is one of the first steps in elevating the safety of staff members, clearly outlining everything your organization wants to achieve in OHS including goals and objectives, as well as strategies and tactics that will involve the team.
Depending on where you work, an OHS policy statement and program may be a legal requirement, but regardless of your local laws, the safety and well-being of your workers should be a #1 priority. Even if it’s not legally required, develop some sort of statement or document that demonstrates the employer’s commitment to health and safety.
As we said above, it may be legally required in your area or jurisdiction to develop an OHS policy statement in your workplace. For example – in Canada, it is mandatory to have such a document. Quite simply, this statement will be an accurate reflection of the safety needs of your workplace and will help apply and implement and existing or new safety protocols and practices.
By definition, a policy is a:
“Deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Policies are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization.”
So in this case, the “decisions” and “rational outcomes” are those to make your workplace safer and reduce the number of accidents during work. Most organizations develop their policy into 3 primary sections:
According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, in order to have an impact, the policy must:
And it must cover the following, important issues:
Ultimately, an OHS policy statement is successful when it satisfies all of the goals and objectives outlined in the original document. But in order to get there, these key points must be considered:
According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, in order for it to be effective and impactful, an OHS policy statement should:
Again, depending on the size of the team, you have a number of options and tools to implement the policy statement and its tactics, which can be outlined in some sort of strategy such as an internal communications plan. This plan can detail how the safety policy will be integrated into the organization’s workflow and structure using strategies like orientation meetings for new hires, and short-but-focused training sessions and workshops to teach and educate staff about what the policy statement means to them and what they need to do to make sure it is successful. Additionally, staff can be reminded of the policy in daily meetings, staff events, on the internal site or intranet, or even posters and marketing materials around the workplace.
In wrapping up our discussion on the critical importance of an Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement, it's essential to recognize that such policies are just the beginning of fostering a safe and secure work environment, especially for lone workers. For those looking to implement comprehensive safety measures, our Lone Worker Safety Solution App offers an innovative approach to ensure the well-being of your employees, providing them with the tools they need to stay safe in any situation. Understanding the diverse needs of different organizations, we have structured our pricing to accommodate businesses of all sizes, ensuring that every team has access to top-tier safety solutions. Moreover, occupational health and safety extend beyond policy statements to encompass various workplace hazards. We encourage you to explore our series on Workplace Hazards to gain a deeper understanding of the potential risks and how to mitigate them effectively. Together, we can create a safer workplace that prioritizes the health and safety of every employee, including those who work alone.